SIGMA TAX accountants in Oakville
On February 23 at 12:07 PM
calculating RRSP deduction limit: 18% of your earned income in the previous year, and the annual RRSP limit Minus •your pension adjustments (PA) •your past service pension adjustments (PSPA) Plus •your pension adjustment reversals (PAR), and •your unused RRSP, PRPP, or SPP contributions at the end of the previous year Maximum 2015 RRSP limit is $24,930

SIGMA TAX accountants in Oakville
On February 23 at 12:07 PM
Are you still waiting to contribute to RRSP. Deadline approaching soon. Do you know that contribution in first 60 days of current year, can be deducted in previous years taxes. How much RRSP contribution required for 2015 taxes? We can help you at Sigma Tax.

SIGMA TAX accountants in Oakville
On January 29 at 2:06 PM
It’s T time again!! T4 slips February is the month of T4’s and T5’s for most employers. If you had any employees during the 2015 calendar year, then Canada Revenue Agency requires you must file T4’s and T5’s by Monday February 29, 2016. There will be penalties and interest start adding up on March 1st. The penalties also are based on the number of information slips you were required . if you don't have any employees but If you shareholder of the corporation and received divided during 2015 year. You are required to file slips as well.

SIGMA TAX accountants in Oakville
On December 16 at 5:22 PM
Oakville Location Closed from December 17 to December 27,2015. Happy Holidays!!

SIGMA TAX accountants in Oakville
On November 11 at 6:07 PM

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