About Us

Located in the heart of Oakville, Ontario Canada, MacLachlan College is an independent (private), non-sectarian school for 370 boys and girls, JK to Grade 12. MacLachlan was founded in 1978 on the vision of a school that embraces solid concepts of academic excellence within a stimulating, dynamic environment that nutures the joy of learning.

The school as a community has held fast to this vision throughout the nearly three decades of its history.

"We looked at several schools in the area and found that MacLachlan is more than just a local school. There is a depth of sophistication to its academic programme and school philosophy. It was our first choice."


There are three basic principles that have formed the bedrock upon which MacLachlan has grown its educational community while holding true to its original vision of creating a school with a unique difference. Three principles, a triad of 'value added' components, comprise the infrastructure that creates, supports and maintains our learning culture, are:

  • Maintaining a small class size in both our Upper and Lower Schools where every student is known on a personal level is a key feature. Classes are small, with an average of 14 students in our elementary grades, and 16 at the secondary level.

  • A carefully chosen group of individuals comprise the MacLachlan staff and plays an important role in the myriad needs an organization has in building and maintaining a rich, inclusive and vibrant culture. Our teachers are all Ontario Accredited, highly qualified individuals chosen for those special qualities that are needed to ensure success for their students. Our support staff members are friendly and congenial, making their own contribution to a harmonious environment where morale is high and all are dedicated to a commitment to the common goal of supporting the vision of MacLachlan.

  • A value for the old-fashioned ideals of creating a 'schoolhouse' environment that is inviting and comfortable sets the stage. The historic building which houses MacLachlan College was chosen and carefully adapted to engender the familial feeling of a non-institutional setting. It is architecturally inviting and provides the setting where vision can flourish. As well, by honouring the historic value of the family name as members of the MacLachlan clan with its ancient motto of Fortis et Fidus, (the ancient translation being 'brave and trusty') our school community is embedded in timeless and solid values

"The teachers want you to learn and the small classes are a real asset. Students and teachers get to know each other well."


The original vision of the school is embodied in this triad of principles. This sturdy and enduring base assures optimum opportunity for success to blossom via a leading-edge educational programme. Comments from our parents, students and teachers attest to MacLachlan's success in creating a thriving, happy community of learners. It has been fondly referred to as 'The MacLachlan Magic'. We believe that it is our enduring vision and philosophies that define the signature features that set us apart from other schools.